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Global Day Prayers & Bible Reflection

26 Nov 2020


Global Day Prayer

Great God we give you thanks that you call us out of silence
to name hidden and domestic violence.
We pray for all those women who despite suffering from violence, continue to care for family and children, to grow and prepare food, carry water, earn a living and offer support to others.
We pray for women who are trafficked as domestic or sex workers; for women who are raped and do not know how to find words to name their pain or a way into the future.
We pray for transformation of our societies which often find it easier to judge the victims of violence than to solve the problems of injustice
We pray that women's voices may be heard and taken into account in all peace and reconciliation work.
We pray for a transformation in the violent way many men act towards and think about women.
We pray for right and just relations between women and men that together we may transform and overcome violence in all its forms and learn to celebrate our diversity and interdependence
We look forward to the age of peace, when violence is banished, both women and
men are able to love and to be loved, and the work and wealth of our world is justly shared. World Council of Churches
Stir us with a resolve not to be silent.
To speak out
against the abuse of power;
especially in our homes.
To speak up
for those who have been pushed down
in any way.
To speak to
the needs of those who are suffering
at the hands of another.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
who extended his forgiving hands to all. Amen   Restored Church Pack
Compassionate God,
may those experiencing all forms of violence
be given courage, hope and the means
to break free from their abuse.
We pray for all who live in fear of violence
and despair that life will ever change:
Bring to an end their suffering;
restore their sense of worth.
Bring to light deeds of abuse hidden in darkness,
that they may find safety and refuge, free from fear.
We pray for all to follow your example
of treating women with equality and respect.
We pray for the dawn of a better world
where justice and peace may flourish.

Global Day Bible Reflection
This bible study could be done if meeting in groups of six, online via zoom or even done at home with your family or on your own.
At the heart of our campaigning against domestic abuse is our love for God, which motivates us to keep his command: to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbour as yourself.
Luke 10:27 (NIV)
Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence—and love your neighbour as well as you do yourself.
Luke 10:27 (The Message)
With such a well-known Bible verse the temptation is to use it without stopping to consider its implications, both for ourselves and those whom we accept as our “neighbour”; in this case those affected by violence and abuse.
So, it’s worth taking a moment to focus on the verse and the challenge it presents.
Reflect for some time on the verse, asking God to highlight words and phrases which will develop your thoughts and understanding.
After a while share together in pairs or small groups what has stood out to you personally. You may find that your individual strands of thought combine to bring new insight and motivation.
Then consider together the following in the light of the passage and your reflections on it.
  • The Bible tells us to love, not just in word but in deed 1 John 3:18. In what ways do our actions to challenge domestic abuse show our love for God?
  • The second command exhorts us to love our neighbours as ourselves. Reflect on how or whether we actually do love ourselves and how this is practically lived out. What are the stumbling blocks to loving ourselves?
  • If we find it hard to love ourselves what implications does this have for those we are seeking to support?
  • The victims and survivors of domestic abuse may find it hard to love both God and themselves. Reflect on how or whether they can be helped to do this and how this may benefit them in the long term?
We find this command in the context of Jesus being questioned on the way to gain eternal life. As we pray for God’s help in all we do to love our neighbour, we give thanks that we are able to show our love for God and his people though our actions; and that these will have eternal as well as earthly significance.

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